Emmaus House

is an unrestricted soup kitchen; no one is ever turned away, no questions asked. It is a place of respite from the outside elements for individuals experiencing homelessness. Our clients come from shelters, homeless camps and/or living on the street. We believe that everyone, regardless of their circumstance, has the right to a hot meal, clean clothing and a hot shower.

We are blessed to have had a consistently amazing partnership with Christ Church Episcopal. We run our feeding program through the dining hall of the Parish Hall each weekday. They also provide us with dedicated and valuable volunteer support and funding.

The lifeline of our program is our volunteers and supporters. With a staff of 5, it would be nearly impossible to provide over 40,000 hot meals annually to the homeless and hungry in our community. We rely heavily on community involvement.

We are funded by local and federal grants, as well as individual donations in order to procure food, food supplies and the items needed to maintain our commercial kitchen and laundry facility. Our biggest expense is food and food supplies.

Our staff is on site from 6am until 1pm each weekday. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions about our program.

*All volunteers are required to fill out our Volunteer Registration Form. We are providing hot meals each weekday through our dining room door located on Bryan Street off of Reynolds Square*